
麦克乔治大学提供全日制和兼职的法学博士课程. 全日制课程需要三年时间才能完成. 被录取的学生 加速荣誉博士课程(AHP) 我能在两年半的时间内完成JD学位吗.

兼职项目 一般可以在四年内完成. 暑期班可能需要在四年内完成兼职课程. Students may also be able to accelerate the 兼职项目 to three 和 one-half years by increasing their course load after the first year of study.


全日制和非全日制课程的录取标准是一样的. 在某些情况下, the undergraduate record is given different weight in relation to more recent employment or graduate work experiences since undergraduate work may have been completed many years ago. 除了, the admissions committee may offer full-time program applicants a seat in the 兼职项目 if it is determined that the student may have better success in that program.


No. 但是,我们的优先截止日期是2月10日. 1. 申请已于2月11日前收到并完成. 我将在3月的第一周收到决定.


考试成绩自申请之日起五年内有效. 如果你申请的是2024年秋季,你的分数可能不会超过2019年.


是的. 你的分数必须不超过5年.  但是,如果你有有效的考试成绩,我们将不考虑你的GRE成绩.


Applicants must obtain a bachelor's degree from a four-year accredited institution before enrolling in any ABA accredited law school. 博彩平台网址大全, 麦克乔治法学院 will consider an application complete for review when an applicant has submitted the following:

  • 完整的申请
  • 有效的考试成绩(五年内)或GRE成绩
  • 至少两封推荐信(我们要求两封,最多可以接受三封)
  • 个人陈述(按照说明,把个人陈述的主题放在最上面)
  • 重新开始
  • 所有参加的学院和大学的成绩单

Must I have my letters of recommendation submitted through the 法律 School Credential Assembly Service (CAS)?

是的. In support of the application, applicants must submit two letters of recommendation directly to LSAC. 我们最多只接受三封信. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to college professors 和 administrators who have had the opportunity to assess their academic aptitude to write letters on their behalf. Applicants who have been out of school for a considerable amount of time (five or more years) may submit letters of recommendation from employers, 业务的同事, 和 mentors who can speak to the skills necessary to be a successful law student including, 但不限于, 优秀的写作能力,批判性思维和分析能力.


  考试 平均绩点
第75个百分位 158 3.65
中位数 155 3.44
第25百分位 152 3.07


If I apply now 和 take the 考试 on a future date, when can I expect to receive a decision?

用未来的考试申请会延迟决定. Applications are only reviewed when they are complete 和 pending 考试 registrations render them incomplete. 一旦收到分数,我们就可以开始审核过程. Decisions may be rendered anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks from the date an application is complete.

访问我们的 进入班级简介 了解更多关于我们2023年进入JD班的信息.


所有分数由LSAC报告. 麦乔治大学将在招生审查过程中考虑所有分数. 然而,高分用于优秀奖学金和ABA要求的报告. 我们建议你准备考试考试,并计划只参加一次. 如果你不满意你的分数,认为你可以提高, 你可以考虑重考考试. 如果你有多个考试分数, 相差5分或更大, 你的申请需要考试差异附录.


麦克乔治大学在招生过程中不提供面试. 然而, we do offer prospective students 和 wait-listed students the opportunity to speak with an admissions counselor. To schedule a phone or in-person counseling appointment contact the admissions office at 916.739.7105 or mcgeorge@pubfish.net. Prospective applicants are also encouraged to attend one of our virtual or on-campus information sessions 和/or an open house.

访问我们的 来见我们吧 页面安排咨询预约和/或注册一个即将到来的博彩平台网址大全排名.


绝对! 的 best way to determine whether a law school is the right fit for you is to engage in the community. 我们鼓励每一位未来的学生参观我们美丽的13英亩校园. 更多关于参观校园的信息. Individual tours 和 class visits may also be arranged by calling the admissions office at 916.739.7105或电子邮件 mcgeorge@pubfish.net.

我不住在萨克拉门托地区,所以不能去. 我可以和我所在城市的招生代表见面吗?

是的. 入学s representatives travel to several LSAC regional law school forums 和 colleges 和 universities nationwide. 查看我们的 招聘的日历 看看麦克乔治什么时候会在你附近的城市.


是的, there are currently enrolled student assistants that work in the JD 入学s Office. 如果您想与他们交谈,请致电JD招生办公室916.739.7105. 如果你有特定的兴趣领域, 我们可以通过电子邮件或电话博彩平台网址大全的学生大使.


是的. 麦克乔治大学提供基于需求和成绩的奖学金. 奖学金s 和 grants are awarded each year to members of the first-year class based upon criteria including outst和ing academic performance, 考试分数和其他各种因素.

Continuing students may be eligible for additional 奖学金s available through institutional funds, 捐赠基金, 以及外部奖学金来源. 有关奖学金的更多信息,请访问我们的网站 金融援助奖学金 网页.

虽然我的G音很重.P.A. 在本科的最后60个单元中,我在大一的表现很差. 这意味着我不会被录取吗?

诸如此类的成绩趋势经常被评估. 许多学生每年的本科成绩参差不齐. 整体学术实力的证据更重要,而且, 在一般情况下, 在近期严谨的学术工作中表现优异具有重要意义, 即使以前的成绩水平较低. A short explanatory addendum to your personal statement is a good place to address such deficiencies.

在评估申请时,McGeorge会考虑哪些因素, 这些因素是如何在审查过程中权衡的?

的 two largest components that are considered in predicting an applicant's relative success in law school are the grade point average 和 the 考试 score. 尽管这些都是有用的预测指标, they are not the only factors the admissions committee will consider when reviewing your application. McGeorge会全面地评估每个申请,考虑到每一个组成部分. 招生委员会将考虑成绩趋势, 领导, 志愿者及工作经历, 个人陈述, 申请人提交的任何附录, 以及推荐信中包含的任何信息. All components assist the admissions committee in determining an applicant’s academic potential 和 propensity for success in law school.


2023-2024学年的学费(须经校董会批准)为59美元,全日制课程为80美元,39美元,兼职课程的学费是283美元. 我们预计2024-2025学年的学费将增加3%. Please note that there are additional required fees 和 summer school is charged on a per unit basis; 访问我们的学费页面 了解更多信息.


For complete information on deadlines, options 和 the 金融援助 process, please visit the 经济资助网页. 你也可以参考 McGeorge助学金手册(pdf).

免费申请经济援助(FAFSA) 于10月推出. 1. 请随意 博彩平台网址大全的财政援助办公室 at 916.739.7158或电邮查询详情. 我们学校的FAFSA代码是001329.


才有资格入学, applicants must obtain a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year undergraduate institution. 麦克乔治大学入学没有首选专业. Students enrolled at McGeorge have majored in a variety of areas  everything from biology to music.


是的. 学生有资格 申请调任 在美国律师协会认可的法学院学习了整整一年之后,他进入了麦乔治大学. Transfer students may be able to transfer up to 32 or more units of coursework upon review of their law school transcript 和 approval by the Assistant Dean of 学生事务 和 职业服务. 转到McGeorge的申请必须通过LSAC提交.

Students may apply to visit at McGeorge for one or two semesters after one full year of study at their home law school. 麦乔治大学访问学生的申请必须通过LSAC提交.


No. McGeorge获得了美国律师协会的认证, 允许麦乔治大学的毕业生参加美国的任何律师资格考试. 我们的校友网络遍布美国所有50个州.S. 以及全球43个国家.


是的. On-campus housing options include furnished 和 unfurnished studios 和 one- 和 two-bedroom units. 已婚夫妇有资格住在校园里. 学校不为有孩子的家庭提供校内住宿. 宠物不得入内,除非它们是服务性或情感支持动物. 联系 住房办公室 把你的名字放在住宿名单上. 请访问我们的住房网页,了解有关校园住房费用的更多信息, 资格和选择.


是的. A JD can open many doors but specializing in a particular area of law can make you even more competitive in the job market after law school. Students can choose to specialize in an area of law by pursuing one or more of our eight 集中证书.


的 学生事务 和 就业服务办公室(SACS), 位于西北堂, is well-equipped to help students 和 alumni plan for a successful 和 fulfilling career. SACS专业的职业顾问提供一对一的职业建议, 研讨会, 面板, 视频和讲义, 模拟面试, 还有很多其他发展领导能力和专业技能的机会.


麦克乔治大学位于加州首府萨克拉门托. 州立法机关和许多州机构都位于市中心, 哪个学校离学校只有十分钟的车程. 萨克拉门托也是萨克拉门托高等法院的所在地, 加州第三地区上诉法院, 以及美国加州东区地方法院.

除了, there are many private law firms 和 public service organizations with offices in Sacramento. 在几个小时的车程内, students 和 alumni often find employment in other California cities such as San Francisco or Los Angeles.


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